Horsham Community Childcare Centre

10 Pynsent Street Horsham 3400

Early Childhood Refurbishment and Minor Works

  • Start

    Q1 2022
  • Planning

  • Design

  • Construction

  • Finish

    Q3 2024

The above dates are forecast only and subject to change.

About the project

We are upgrading Horsham Community Childcare Centre. We're adding an extra kindergarten room, increasing the number of funded kindergarten places available to local 3 and 4-year-olds. We're also re-landscaping the outdoor play space, to include wheelchair access and a natural, sensory learning area.


In Round 2 of the 2021 Early Childood Refurbishment and Minor Works grant, $50,000 was allocated to this project.

Funding type

  • Early Childhood Refurbishment and Minor Works
