An upgrade for Carlton Primary School

[Lauren Keim, Parent & Teacher, Carlton Primary School]
I think that there is probably no other school in Victoria that is quite as supportive as Carlton Primary School.
It's a wonderful school to send your child. The quality of the learning here is just first class. The compassion that the teachers have for each and every student is really something special. It's a really special place, and my daughter loves it and she is thriving.

[Sarah Watson, Teacher, Carlton Primary School]
Everyone speaks about the feeling that they get when they come here and that might be surprising because our building is so old-looking and, you know, often people walk past and have maybe a perception about it, but once you get inside, it's very different, very special.

[Rebecca Harris, Teacher, Carlton Primary School]
It's been really, really exciting for all of the staff and the kids to have input into our vision for what our school is going to look like. We're very, very excited about having a building that's going to better facilitate the team teaching and collaborative learning that we do inside our classrooms. We're excited about being able to have spaces that the community can use.

[Sarah Watson, Teacher, Carlton Primary School]
We're open to learning in new and different ways, so I think our new school building, it will match the great learning that's going on inside the classroom.

[Lauren Keim, Parent & Teacher, Carlton Primary School]
The redevelopment is going to really complement the strong learning that happens at the school and the really wonderful staff that are here, and so for all of that wonderful learning to be happening in a new, modern space, both inside and outside, is just going to make Carlton Primary School even better.

The video ends with the Victorian School Building Authority logo and website URL (
