Mooroopna Park Primary School

45 MacIsaac Road Mooroopna 3629

Minor Capital Works Fund

  • Start

    Q2 2022
  • Planning

  • Design

  • Construction

  • Finish

    Q2 2024

The above dates are forecast only and subject to change.

About the project

We refurbished the existing student toilets to improve amenity, cleanliness and hygiene.


In the 2022–23 State Budget the project received $458,397 from the Minor Capital Works Fund.

Funding type

  • Minor Capital Works Fund

Upgrade and Modernisation

  • Start

  • Planning

  • Design

  • Construction

  • Finish

    Q2 2019

The above dates are forecast only and subject to change.

About the project

We constructed a new building to house one classroom and associated spaces.​


In the 2017–18 State Budget, the school was allocated $231,000.

Funding type

  • Upgrade and Modernisation
