Sunshine Primary School Early Learning and Childcare Centre (interim name)

30 Leith Avenue Sunshine 3020

New Early Learning and Childcare Centre - one of 50 government-owned early learning centres

  • Start

    Q1 2023
  • Planning

  • Design

  • Construction

  • Finish

    Q1 2025

The above dates are forecast only and subject to change.

About the project

We’re building a new early learning and childcare centre next to Sunshine Primary School in the City of Brimbank.

The Victorian Government-owned centre will offer childcare and Three- and Four-Year-Old Kindergarten programs, with space for up to 130 local children each day.

Between 2030 and 2032 Four-Year-Old Kindergarten will transition to Pre-Prep in the City of Brimbank and funded kindergarten hours will double from 15 to 30 hours a week.

The centre will have outdoor play areas, a Maternal and Child Health consulting room, and a carpark. It will also have a room for community meetings and playgroup.

Building the centre at the school will help some parents avoid the double drop-off. It makes childcare and early learning accessible and convenient for working parents and carers. It can also make the transition to school easier for some children. 

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This centre is one of 50 early learning and childcare centres that will share in approximately $14 billion as part of the Victorian Government’s Best Start, Best Life reform.

Funding type

  • New Early Learning Facility

Sunshine Primary School Early Learning and Childcare Centre (interim name) – indicative site plan

  • Download site plan
